Thursday, September 17, 2009

The new trend: Flavored Salvia 2

Myth: All flavored Salvia Extracts tastes the same.
Fact: As the original manufacturers of Flavored Salvia Extracts, we beg to differ! We're now into our second generation flavoring, meaning that we've taken a number of steps to improve the formula, how we dry the extract, the way we store the package to keep the scents and how we actually apply the flavoring. As we've learned, this is not knowledge someone can simply gain overnight. Quality Salvia Extract flavoring requires specific knowledge and a heck of a lot of trial and error, not merely to get it just right, but to maintain the improvement in the flavoring and the final product. We're not afraid to test our flavored Salvia with anyone's in both customer satisfaction and product quality.

Between Salvia manufacturers there's a growing trend, flavored Salvia Extracts are here to stay. That doesn't mean they are all equal, or that any company could manufacture a flavored Salvia of quality to market. We hope this text has taught you a bit about flavored Salvia Extracts. It definitely points out three of the most common myths we get about them at our website. If any doubts, be sure to email them to us. Who knows, maybe your question, and its reply, will make it into an update of this article.

You can visit us and get Salvia Extracts at